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What we do

We support all our brands with a complete solution. We manage our own distribution, logistics, forecasting, marketing, sales and in store support bringing a complete “supply to shelf” approach.




We continually strive to push the boundarys and develop solutions to improve brand experience

Resolv Dimensions

Product focus

Sims Consumer Brands is split into four key segments. Our current business within these segments comprises of everything from FOB, private label, controlled label and market leading brands. We also have an extensive pipeline of new product and brand development coming through in each of these areas.

At Sims we never stop developing and our goals for our brands are exciting!

Resolv pod and bottle red 1



Our teams have great vision for our brands and categories. All new product development and innovation is driven by consumer data and category insights, coupled with pace, purpose and passion!

Sims have a history of disrupting stale categories, bringing consumers a 21st century offer! We bring innovation to every area of the Sims framework: supply chain, logistics, forecasting, store support and consumer engagement.

We have an exciting innovative road map ahead, bringing to life brands and products of tomorrow, today…



Meat Head Briquettes


Market Channels

01. Grocery


02. Hardware


03. Department


04. Speciality

